We are proud to take an active involvement in the development of the Water Hygiene industry in the UK.
Colin has been honoured to serve as the Chair of the WMSoc and was awarded the grade of Fellow in 2015 for services to the Industry and the Society.
Colin has written and presented papers at various industry events around the UK.
Colin also sits on and takes an active involvement on the Technical Committee of the Water Management Society, as well as chairing the Training & Accreditation Committee of the Water Management Society.
We acknowledge that every day can be a school day, no matter your experience or qualifications. We learn from listening and collaborating with the industry and others and together we can achieve our goals and objectives.
This active involvement within the industry is aimed at raising standards, imparting knowledge, and learning ourselves, by staying abreast and up-to-date with industry guidance, knowledge, and best practice.
Colin Shekleton F.W.M.Soc AMRSPH AMIHEEM
Wave Tech Resources Ltd, Environmental Policy HERE